What is Lamina Dental Treatment?

12 Şubat 2024by admin0

Lamina Tooth is a thin porcelain shell designed in the desired tooth color according to the individual’s needs. These shells are bonded to the front surface of the teeth to change their color, shape, size or length and improve their appearance.
Contrary to common perceptions, there is no need to abrade the tooth much to make porcelain laminae, and if the appropriate treatment method is chosen by the dentist, only careful and accurate work is required to bond the laminae without damaging the natural teeth.
In addition to beauty, correct lamina function is also important and it is important that the natural teeth and the porcelain laminate are bonded correctly and strongly.


No, if your dentist has enough experience, your natural teeth will not be damaged. Your dentist will ask you to take a general x-ray of your mouth and jaw and examine your teeth to make sure that dental veneers are suitable for you. If your dentist determines that a dental lamina is not a suitable option for you, he or she will recommend other options such as composite veneers, bonding, orthodontic treatment, teeth whitening or simply tooth contouring.
You need to have enough information about all the options until you choose the best way forward.


It is impossible to distinguish the difference between a lamina and a natural tooth, as the lamina is made for everyone individually and identical to their original teeth. Unlike natural teeth, laminates are resistant to tea and coffee stains because they use high-tech materials to make them.
Laminates can provide the most effective whitening for the darkest teeth that are resistant to other whitening procedures.


Despite the high stability, laminates can be fragile.
The lamina should not be under pressure in a way that natural teeth are not. For example, you should avoid nail biting, eating ice or opening plastic packaging with your laminates.


The process of making Lamina Teeth consists of different steps:
First step: In one session, the necessary preparatory work will be done on highly sensitive teeth, which will be measured with millimeter precision.
Second step: In the same session, your dentist will model your teeth in both jaws (the same process is used to make laminae in only one jaw).
These models are sent to the dental laboratory, where the laminae are prepared as thin porcelain shells.
In the second session, the laminae are placed on the teeth and bonded to the teeth with composite material, which is attached very strongly.
In case of correct fitting throughout all the steps, the laminates are integrated with the teeth, there are no gaps or unevenness and you can use dental floss to clean them like natural teeth.

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